In 2009 KSU-Atwood became the first cultivar to be released from Kentucky State University's breeding program. It is large, round, and mango-flavored. Ron Powell describes it as an "excellent-tasting and clean fruit," with very little Phyllosticta. The fruit was selected at KSU's research farm as a seedling from Maryland. "The release is named for Rufus B. Atwood, who served as president of Kentucky State College (now university) from 1929 to 1962," KSU reports. "Fruit greenish-blue skin, yellow-orange flesh, few seeds. Fruit size and flavor medium; averaging 120 g/fruit and 150 fruit per tree at KSU." Seedling from Maryland. Developed at Kentucky State University's pawpaw breeding program led by Professor Kirk Pomper, this early ripening variety is noted for its very high yields of 150 or more fruit per tree.