Also known as "Campbells #1". Perhaps the most ornamental pawpaw tree. Its large leaves are a dark, near-blue green. Derek Morris reports fruits that resemble Overleese in quality, "being mostly large and rounded with great seed to flesh ratio and they maintain quality longer than many others." However, it may not be as productive as other varieties. NC-1 produces quality fruit in the South, but is especially suited to colder climates, ripening in September in Ontario - very early for the northern regions. Which is fitting: A hybrid seedling of Davis and Overleese, it was selected by R. Douglas Champbell in Ontario, Canada, in 1976. Grimo Nut Nursery recommends NC-1 to its growers in colder climates. "Fruit has few seeds; yellow skin and Flesh; thin skin, early ripening" - around the middle of September in Ontario and early September in Kentucky, KSU reports. "Fruit size large, averaging 180 g/fruit and 45 fruit per tree at KSU." Ron Powell notes, "Leaves can become infected with Phyllosticta but the fruit does not split."