Derek Morris reports, "Very productive variety, early ripening. Fruits are average to good but do not age very well and somewhat seedy. Small to medium sized, can display lots of skin yellowing when ripe." Morris says PA Golden #1 is thought to be a great pollinating variety. There are four other PA-Goldens, each selected and introduced by John Gordon of Amherst, New York. According to Ron Powell, PA Golden #1 "is the cultivar that is sold in the trade as PA-Golden. These are all small fruit but my tree has produced up to sixty-five pounds per year. The fruit may at times have a bitter taste but otherwise is acceptable. Of the four, PAG #3 is the best. It is slightly larger and the appearance is the best as it has more tolerance to Phyllosticta. Still quite popular since it is also quite winter-hardy." Jim Davis reports that this variety is an early producer at his Maryland orchard. John Gordon was an active member of the Norther Nut Growers Association starting in the early 1960s and made a number of pawpaw selections whose ancestry can be traced back to George A. Zimmerman. Gordon grew and selected many seedlings from the trees of George L. Slate of Cornell University, who had gathered fruit and seed from Zimmerman's Fernwood estate in Pennsylvania.