First discovered in 1970 in the wild near Chanute, Kansas, by Milo Gibson, and is one of the few pawpaws reported to be self-fertile. KSU reports, "Large fruit; yellow skin; butter-color flesh; few seeds; ripens early to mid September in Kentucky and first week of October in MI. Fruit size large, averaging 155g/fruit and 75 fruit per tree at KSU." Derek Morris reports that Sunflower "tends to grow more wide than tall." Additionally, it produces the largest single fruit in Morris's orchard each year. He says that although the flavor of Sunflower is generally very good, he has noticed a slight bitter finish in some of its fruits. "One other feature of this variety is that it is among the latest ripening, so late that growers in far northern areas may not get ripe fruit." Morris adds that Sunflower "is the favorite among many growers and a variety I would not want to be without. It always ranks high in taste tests. It also has nice thick flesh/texture and relatively few but large seed[s]. It has been noted that seedlings of Sunflower make especially strong rootstock for those who want to do their own grafting." Sunflower won Best Fruit at the Ohio Pawpaw Festival in 2006 and 2010. "It is one that I always recommend to growers," says Ron Powell