A Peterson Pawpaws selection and seedling tree grown from the collection at the Blandy Experimental Farm. KSU reports, "Fruit has few seeds, very fleshy, medium yellow flesh; thick-ish skin; this variety is less fragile than most," with few seeds, approximately 4 percent by weight. "Ripens late September in Kentucky. Fruit size large; averaging 185 g/fruit and 40 fruit per tree at KSU." John Brittain reports, "Very large fruit, mid-late season ripening, moderate yields; very sweet rich flavor, firm buttery texture, few seeds." "Those Susquehanna, they're about the best," says Alabama grower Dale Brooks. And Neal Peterson says, "Susquehanna is without a doubt my personal favorite - if I had to choose one." Patented 2004. Responds well to pruning.