A Peterson Pawpaws selection and seedling of Overleese (Shenandoah is like a much more productive Overleese), Shenandoah has been described as a "beginner's pawpaw" for its mild flavor. Peterson says it was the clear favorite of customers at the farmers market in Washington, DC. "Smooth, custardy texture, with just the right balance of fragrance, with few seeds" - approximately 7 percent by weight. "Fruit has creamy yellow flesh. Ripens in September in Kentucky. Fruit size medium-large, averaging 150g/fruit and 80 fruit per tree at KSU." Mario Mandujano says Shenandoah is his favorite: "With that one not only can I eat one, I can eat five or six." And "Shenandoah is just incredible," echoes Deep Run Orchard's Jim Davis. Ron Powell says, "The best of Neal's selections to grow in the Ohio River Valley since it is only slightly susceptible to Phyllosticta." Patented 2004; Mid season ripening. This was Neal's first variety. Responds well to pruning.